Coaching Tip - March 2010

Advanced players use variations of spin when Serving
    The two basic variations are:
  • Slice - see coaching tip February 2010
  • Topspin - the theme of the March coaching tip


    This type of serve is used more in the Men's game but many Women are developing this skill.

    Topspin gives you a greater margin for error on your serve:
  • The ball passes higher over the net
  • Topspin allows the ball to drop quickly
  • Resulting in a higher bounce after hitting the ground

  • The coaching tips below are for a right handed player - use the reverse if you are left handed.

  • Your stance should be the same as for the flat serve.

  • Loading position
  • The ball toss should be slightly behind the head and over the left shoulder.
  • The server should lean the upper body back a little
  • Ensure that you have a good knee bend

  • Contact point
  • the contact point should be behind and to the left side of your head.
  • The swing of the racquet should be from left to right upwards, across and over the ball imparting the topspin.

  • Follow through
  • The first part of your follow through should be outwards towards the net and to your right
  • The final follow through should finish as usual on the left side of your body.
  • However, some players do finish the follow through with the racket arm passing by their right leg. This requires more body strength so it is preferable to use the first option for the follow through.

    The keys to a good serve require a combination of:
  • consistency
  • accuracy
  • variety
  • power
  • disguise

  • Tennis players will develop their own serving style but practice is the key to improving the basics with the grip and ball toss being two of the key elements.

    Improve your Serve so that you get a HEAD start to your tennis game!

    Contact me if you have any queries or helpful coaching tips.

    Steve James